Wednesday, March 18, 2009

First post...ever!

Okay, time for the obligatory "this is my first post, this is what the title means, this is who I am, yadda yadda yadda." Well, this is my first post...j/k.

My friend just sent me a link to her own blog, so I thought I'd start one up myself. I had one a couple of years ago, but I let it dwindle into nothing-ness. Probably because I had nada to write about. Life was pretty dull. Now, however, life is beginning to pick back up (after a 3-4 year hiatus), so there may be some interesting tidbits here and there. Not often, but sometimes!

So, the title. It's a line from, you'll never believe this, a Dave Matthews Song! Yeah, you didn't see THAT coming, did ya? :) It's from "Grey Street" off the Busted Stuff album. Actually they had written the song long before Busted Stuff, and it can be found with a heap of other previously-recorded Busted Stuff songs on what is widely-known as "The Lillywhite Sessions". It's a bootlegged album produced by Steve Lillywhite. It's really not an album, per se, just a collection of recorded songs that didn't make it to a CD til they re-recorded them for Busted Stuff. The band just felt the timing wasn't right. ANYWAY...this is one of my fave songs DMB wrote. Here's a link to the lyrics:

This is my interpretation of the song (b/c, after all, we each interpret art differently): A woman is reflecting on her life and realizes none of her dreams and aspirations have come true. She doesn't know why. She wishes and prays that things would change, but she isn't proactive. Instead of actually doing something about it, she sits in her home and whines. She can change her grey world using colors "bold and bright", but she just lets those colors [dreams] mix together til they're just grey [boring, uneventful]. I could have it all wrong (if I do, sorry Dave), but that's what the song says to me! I've realized that while none of my dreams and aspirations have come true, I need to go out and use some bold and bright colors of my own to stamp out my grey world. Insightful? Hmmm, maybe. Let's see if I put it all into action, folks.

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