Friday, May 15, 2009

Gotta Roll Down the Windows for This!

I suppose this post show my eclectic taste in music!

Ants Marching by Dave Matthews Band

I prefer "Ants Marching" from the album "Live at the Red Rocks". The beginning showcases Stephan's awesome bass-playing abilites. Plus it's Dave, and I'm in love with the group. It's just a sweet groove, man. Go Stephan! Go Stephan!

Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) by Beyonce

Do I seriously have to spell it out? It has an awesome beat, and it's just a fun song to jam to!

Discipline by Nine Inch Nails

Yeah, I know--it's the hard stuff. But Trent Reznor writes some pretty amazing music. The drum beat at the very beginning (and throughout, actually) is just addictive. I start it over just to hear that beginning beat!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I Wanna Be Friends With "The Breakfast Club" Kids

"Could you describe the ruckus, sir?"

This flick has'em all: the criminal, the princess, the jock, the brain, and the basket case. Honestly, I have friends that fit into each and every one of those categories! I've never been part of a clique; I was always the drifter from one group to another. Besides--like everyone else who has watched this amazing film, I can identify with each character myself. So there ya go. Of course, I'd have to throw 'bows with Claire for Bender. Think I can take her, though...

I can't travel without My Pillow!

My Pillow!
It's hard for me to get to sleep most nights--doubly so when in a strange bed. One thing that helps is having my own pillow with me. Plus, (and I know this is strange) it weirds me out to put my head/face on something that countless others have drooled on. Regardless of the fact that there's a pillowcase covering it. Yeah, I even stuff my pillow into my suitcase when flying.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So I've never been much into jewelry. Sure I have a couple necklaces, some bracelets, the obligatory diamond studs, a ruby ring Mom & Dad bought me at graduation...but not an entire jewelry box full of accessories. Until the past couple of years, anway! I have developed an adoration/fascination for dangly, HUGE earrings. Why? No clue. Maybe because they make me feel glamorous, or maybe it's just a way to add a splash of color and outrageous-ness to an otherwise blah outfit. All I know is, I troll through the clearance jewelry section at a wide range of stores: from Wal-Mart to Claire's to Target to Macy's, looking for a cute new pair of earbobs. Sunday evening I realised I have a ridiculous plethora when I decided to go through my jewelry box. I have earrings in there that haven't seen the light of day for months! It was like I'd just gone shopping again! What made me think of this? Well, I got a little thrill this morning (this dreary, rainy morning) when I slipped in my sunny yellow round monstrosities! Yay for danglies!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I demand super-hero powers of the most awesome kind!

super-hero powers of the most awesome kind!
That's right. I want super-powers! I want to be able to run and fly faster than the speed of light. I want to produce and control fire. AND, this is the biggest one, I want to be invicible! I'm talking Superman-stopping-a-train-with-nary-a-flinch kind of invicible!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Ahhh, O.P.I. nail colors! Whenever a new "collection" comes out (the current one is South Beach), I get a little thrill! I just love going to the store and holding up each new color to my nail, deciding which one to purchase! I usually end up with 2 or 3 that first trip, and I'll inevitably return for more! I currently own 16 different shades. Yes. Sixteen shades of nail colors! Yesterday I had the pleasure of purchasing two more: In Sync With Pink (hot pink), and Black Onyx (obviously, black).

The names are one of the alluring things about the colors! I own: An Affair In Red Square (my favorite), Nice Color Eh?, Jewel of India, Done Out in Deco, Conga-Line Coral, Play 'til Midnight, Glamour Game, Don't Toy With Me!, Need Sunglasses?, Suzi & the Lifeguard, Bastille My Heart, I'm Fondue of You, Yes...I Can-Can, You Don't Know Jacques!, plus the two I mentioned above! This nail polish really is an obsession, a pleasure, and could easily cause insanity!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

YAY! Megan's gone!

I'm addicted to American Idol, and every year there's that one person that no one likes but somehow they're not voted off. Well, this year it happened! That weird Megan was voted off last night! Girl has NO talent. And she looks like a big friggin' idiot up on the stage, swingin from side to side with her elbow stickin out in the air! And her diction! Oh, I muted the TV after her first 3 words every Tuesday! *sigh* Oh happy day!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sugar, Flour, Eggs, Milk...

I LOVE baking. It doesn't really matter what. Whether it's a cherry pie for my dad, a birthday cake for one of the kids, sugar cookies for my ma, or just a pan of brownies from a mix! Baking is something I've done since...well, since I could stand on a chair beside Mom in the kitchen! It's just something I can concentrate on, what with having to be precise with measurements and times. There aren't too many things I can do well, but baking is one of them. And if I can bake a favorite for someone I love, that's even better!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Summa-, Summa-, Summa-time!

That's right. Summer's almost here (okay, not ALMOST, but close enough) and it's shaping up to be a GREAT one! So many concerts going on! So far, I'm gonna see Wicked at the Murat with my sissy-poo, then I'ma see No Doubt and Paramore (together! OMG!) on July 10, THEN I get to round out the summer with DMB on August 1!!! I'm hoping to see Nine Inch Nails with Jane's Addiction on May 30, but I'm having a hard time finding someone to come with. Any takers? Nickleback is coming sometime in August, I think. I've never seen them live, so that could be fun. I dunno yet. But I'm just so danged stoked about No Doubt! They haven't toured together for a LONG TIME, and I never got to see them when they DID tour. My sweet darling cousin Krysti brought me a tee from one of their concerts. I was, like, a freshman or sophomore in high school! Needless to say, that shirt has not survived the years. Yeah, I wore it till the holes were too noticeable!

A summer full of awesome concerts and good times with great friends! Can't wait!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A movie quote that gets me gigglin' every time!

Ever licked a window?

"The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!" Okay, I know it's originally from "Willy Wonka", but it's just awesome here. These 3 college boys are driving down the highway with weed and mushrooms in the car when they're pulled over by two troopers. One dude just EATS two bags of weed and a baggie of 'shrooms so the cops don't find it. Needless to say, he very quickly gets completely stoned--plus he's tripping from the 'shrooms. Anway, the cops put them in the back of the squad car and the dude licks the divider window and says, "The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!" Total crack-up moment!

First post...ever!

Okay, time for the obligatory "this is my first post, this is what the title means, this is who I am, yadda yadda yadda." Well, this is my first post...j/k.

My friend just sent me a link to her own blog, so I thought I'd start one up myself. I had one a couple of years ago, but I let it dwindle into nothing-ness. Probably because I had nada to write about. Life was pretty dull. Now, however, life is beginning to pick back up (after a 3-4 year hiatus), so there may be some interesting tidbits here and there. Not often, but sometimes!

So, the title. It's a line from, you'll never believe this, a Dave Matthews Song! Yeah, you didn't see THAT coming, did ya? :) It's from "Grey Street" off the Busted Stuff album. Actually they had written the song long before Busted Stuff, and it can be found with a heap of other previously-recorded Busted Stuff songs on what is widely-known as "The Lillywhite Sessions". It's a bootlegged album produced by Steve Lillywhite. It's really not an album, per se, just a collection of recorded songs that didn't make it to a CD til they re-recorded them for Busted Stuff. The band just felt the timing wasn't right. ANYWAY...this is one of my fave songs DMB wrote. Here's a link to the lyrics:

This is my interpretation of the song (b/c, after all, we each interpret art differently): A woman is reflecting on her life and realizes none of her dreams and aspirations have come true. She doesn't know why. She wishes and prays that things would change, but she isn't proactive. Instead of actually doing something about it, she sits in her home and whines. She can change her grey world using colors "bold and bright", but she just lets those colors [dreams] mix together til they're just grey [boring, uneventful]. I could have it all wrong (if I do, sorry Dave), but that's what the song says to me! I've realized that while none of my dreams and aspirations have come true, I need to go out and use some bold and bright colors of my own to stamp out my grey world. Insightful? Hmmm, maybe. Let's see if I put it all into action, folks.